Журнал «Восточная аналитика»


Distributed Energy in African and Asian countries: geographical and social aspects

DOI 10.31696/2227-5568-2020-02-025-035
Publication status published
Section Научная статья ЭКОНОМИКА
Pages 25 - 35
Annotation A global trend today is the gradual replacement of the large-scale centralized electric energy by a small distributed electric generation. It became possible after being by the competitiveness of renewable energy-based facilities which can be installed everywhere. New technologies of distributed generation guarantee quick electrification of new areas, low capital and operation expenses, progressive reduction of costs and tariffs, lower vulnerability due to man-made disasters, cyber attacks and terrorist acts. Distributed energy is very attractive for African and Asian countries with vast hard-of-access and little developed areas and multiple contingents of poor population for whom electric energy is inaccessible. It is exactly there that distributed energy has the world’s highest development potential.
Received 20.01.2021
Publication date
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